About Me

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More like, "About Us". We were married in 2000, after only 6 months of dating/engagement and knew early on, due to inherited fertility issues that adoption was our avenue to expanding our little family. We are currently waiting and now working towards finding our first child. We are excited to become a mom and dad. We consider ourselves the lucky ones in this adventure toward adoption.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The latest news...My little brother Jedd had just graduate from Weber State University. I tried to go up to see, But got into a accident on the way up. Everything is fine....well just me....no injuries, just a little scratch below on my right knee. On the other hand the car is in the shop. I was going eastbound on I-80 towards Utah. I was about 50 to Winnemucca, and it had been raining. I hit a patch of black ice and I saw the car sliding towards the right. I did my best to correct the problem and tried to slow down. Next thing I knew, the car had spun around and I was going backwards, went of the road and hit a exit sign that dented my rear back panel of my car and bent my rear suspension. There was nothing anyone can do when they hit black ice, besides to slow down and hope that they don't get hurt. That was my case, I hoped for the best of not getting hurt, and I was really lucky that the car didn't roll. I called the important people like 911 and Cathi and my Family. All in all everything is alright. Got to hear my brother and talked with him and told him, how proud I was for him to graduate.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Big Step

So here we are with some big things happening in our lives. We are celebrating 10 years of marriage this year, Cathi turns 35, we are set and ready for adoption, so what do we do? We spruce our lives up just a bit more. We got a new puppy, whom we just love. Smokey has been such a fun and sweet addition to our little family. He and Buddy actually get along and we love to watch them be rambunctious and play all over. On the couch, on the bed, all through the house, and yes, even on us. lol

Then as if a new puppy and the finding process of adoption, wasn't exciting enough we go and buy a house. We have been going through several months of landlord dislike. He would show up whenever he felt to work on trees hanging over the house or the tree leaning in the front yard, without notice. In the beginning of our tenancy, he would show up and put the water on in either the front or back yard. The random accessing of the back yard in particular really concerned us as we have a doggie door in the sliding glass door and the concern for our sweet Buddy escaping. We just couldn't have that. The final straw, that accelerated our desire to own, was the landlord, in our home, speculating Jake's honesty in reporting when the furnace filter had been changed. I mean, really?? THAT was it.

Now, we have moved out about 99% and just have the random tidbits and cleaning and we can FINALLY wash our hands of the whole place.

We have painted, planned, continue to plan, prep for gardening (in the ground, he he), and just can relax knowing this is ours (and the bank's) and that's all we have to answer to. It was so reassuring, when a dear sweet friend of ours came to us, asked if we would provide for her boxer, in the event something should happen to her current situation, and knowing we could help give her peace of mind being able to say very clearly, and without reservation, YES!! I checked with my landlord (Jake). Jake checked with his landlord (naturally, me) and without other hesitation, a profound, resounding YES was able to be said.

Though we are new and young in our home ownership, we can honestly sit back and say, "Ahhhhhh.......we love home ownership."